Garden of Pride, Woodland Park

The Woodland Park Elementary’s Garden of Pride was established in 2018 with grant funding from the Wyoming Department of Education, in conjunction with UW’s Agriculture Extension.

The Garden of Pride has 20 raised beds, a hoop house, strawberry bed, pumpkin patch, memorial garden, grape tepee, as well as pollinator and native plant gardens.

Teachers volunteer their classrooms to host garden beds. Classes begin with planting in the spring and finish with harvesting their crops the following fall. Some of the produce goes to the cafeteria for the school lunch and snack programs.

The garden is used as a learning space, with students and teachers completing lessons in every content area from Art and Poetry, to math and science, to literacy and even counseling!

Garden Leader -Jessie Adams // Woodland Park Teacher

Original artistic rendering of the concept for Woodland Park’s Garden of Pride.

Garden Sponsors